the SEN mumma selfcare toolkit

theSENmumma selfcare toolkit

Self Care is more important than ANYTHING else you can do on the pathway to supporting your child.

We can't shout about it enough! I get it, I know it's hard to prioritise yourself when you are exhausted, but when you can regularly carve out time to make some space for yourself to do something that nourishes and empowers you, you show up as a better, more loving, patient and resilient person... both for the children in your life and the other adults too.

When we talk about self care @thesenmumma we are talking about mental health maintenance. Deep diving into a toolkit to get you through whatever might be coming up for you and hopefully to tip the balance away from unhealthy strategies



the SEN mumma mentor network

SENmumma mentor network

Nothing can help a SENmumma more than talking to other SENmummas! theSENmumma mentoring network is a group of warrioress' ready to help other mummas at the start of their child's SEN journey. Mentoring partnerships will be created matching SEN criteria to give you the best support and tailored advice to your child's suspected or actual diagnosis.

To apply for a mentor please email - please include information on where you are on the pathway and what help you require.



the SEN mumma talking circles

theSENmumma talking circles

This is a monthly opportunity to meet people in the same boat. The session will include coaching techniques to empower and enliven our SENmummas and will conclude with a meditation and a self care check in. You will have an opportunity at the end of the session to bond, sharing stories and experiences and as a community offering help, support and a shared understanding.


the SEN mumma mindfulness


The ability to reside in the present moment is key to managing stress and fight or flight. It also makes you a much better parent.

The habit of projecting into the future, and working through the what ifs in any given situation when planning and protecting your child, can really deplete your emotional and mental resources. As a tool, mindfulness is a really easy way to hook back into the 'now' - checking in with your body and your surroundings and creating a conscious understanding of how to support yourself through the challenges of everyday life in a SEN household.

@thesenmumma holds regular mindfulness meditation sessions.



Working with Athene you will be guided on a journey of self care exploring your situation and your feelings around it, and working to create a self care routine that is effective and achievable. Coaching will consist of a minimum of 3 sessions and will be subject to availability.